PSA totale e PSA libero
Materiale & quantità
Siero, 1ml
Informazioni cliniche
PSA is found in the serum of patients with prostate-related diseases, especially in complex forms. However, in patients with prostate cancer, the proportion of free PSA compared to total PSA is significantly lower compared to patients with benign prostate diseases.
Free to Total PSA Ratio (%fPSA) is a method that increases sensitivity and specificity of PSA in diagnosing prostate cancer. The likelihood of finding prostate cancer, based on %fPSA, increases with age of the patient.
Additional note: The determination is useful when the total PSA is between 4.0 and 10.0 ng/ml. Higher values of total PSA in themselves indicate a malignant condition.
Based on the free PSA/total PSA ratio, the percentage probability of finding prostate cancer on a biopsy, divided by age in years, is as follows (source Mayo Clinic Laboratories):
Ulteriori informazioni
Aprire tuttiIndice
Antigene specifico prostatico, PSA libero
Posizione / Prezzo
Posizione: 1626.00
Prezzo: CHF 10.60
+ Spese di gestione: CHF 21.60
(per ordine e per giorno)
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