Material & Volume

smear, urine, cerebral spinal fluid, EDTA blood or others

Clinical information

The mumps virus (officially paramyxovirus parotitis) is a virus that only occurs in humans and is the causative agent of mumps.
The virus is transmitted by droplet infection when coughing and sneezing and through contact with the saliva of a sick person.

Generally, the first symptoms appear on average 14-24 days after infection, such as a slight rise in temperature, malaise or headaches. After 1-2 days, in many cases an unilateral, and later often bilateral, painful swelling of the parotid glands occurs (parotitis).

Complications are rare but include deafness and a wide range of inflammatory conditions, of which inflammation of the testes, breasts, ovaries, pancreas, meninges, and brain are the most common. Testicular inflammation may result in reduced fertility and, rarely, sterility.

There is a vaccination against mumps, which is combined with the vaccination against rubella and measles (MMR).



Position / Price

Position: 3132.00
Price: CHF 119.70
+ Processing fee: CHF 21.60
(per order and per day)

Execution time

5 days

Executing laboratory

External laboratory3