Borrelia burgdorferi s.l. (PCR)
Material & Volume
Puncture liquid or biopsie, 2ml
Reference values
Age | Range |
All | negative |
Clinical information
Borrelia are spiral-shaped bacteria (spirochaete) and are transmitted to humans through the sting of infected ticks. The bacteria can cause Lyme disease (also known as Lyme borreliosis) which can show various symptoms, including fever, fatigue, headache, muscle and joint aches, swollen lymph nodes, and a characteristic skin rash called erythema migrans. It is a multisystem disease and can spread to joints, myocardium, and nervous system, leading to more severe symptoms such as severe headaches, neck stiffness, facial paralysis, heart palpitations, and memory problems.
The natural course of an untreated Borrelia-infection is very variable and not every infection leads to disease.
Lyme disease is widespread in the northern hemisphere (North America, Europe and Asia).
While all Borrelia can cause erythema migrans, B. garinii and B. bavariensis are associated with neurological manifestations (neuroborreliosis), B. afzelii with the development of Acrodermatitis chronica atropicans and B. burgdorferi sensu stricto is associated with Lyme arthritis.
The Borrelia burgdorferi sensu lato complex is now composed of the following pathogenic Borrelia species:
- Occurrence in Europe: Borrelia burgdorferi sensu stricto, B. afzelii, B. garinii, B. spielmanii, B. bavariensis, B. lusitaniae, B. valaisiana, B. bissettii, B. kurtenbachii.
- Occurrence only in USA (so far): B. americana, B. andersonii, B. californensis, B. carolinensis
- Occurrence only in Asia (so far): B. japonica, B. sinica, B. tanukii, B. turdi, B. yangtze
Open allIndex
Lyme disease
Position / Price
Position: 3378.00
Price: CHF 119.70
+ Processing fee: CHF 21.60
(per order and per day)
Sample stability
Room temperature (20 to 25°C) = 2 days
Refrigerated (2 to 8°C) = 14 days
Frozen (-2 to -25°C) = 30 days
Executing laboratory
labor team w ag
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+41 71 844 45 45
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