Material & Volume

Serum, 1ml

Reference values

All20.0-40.0 therapeutic range
>100.0 toxic

Clinical information

Type of drug: Anticonvulsant
Metabolism: Not metabolised, P-gp(ABCB1)
Half life t½: 6-8h
Steady State: 2 days
TDM: potentially useful
Additional informations: Clearance significantly declines with age requiring an about 30 to 50% lower dose, age dependent increase of t½.

Levetiracetam is a member of the Racetams group. It is administered to patients suffering from epilepsy because of its anticonvulsive characteristics. The medical effect is based upon the bonding effect with the synaptic 2A vesicle protein (SV2A). This reduces the excretion of neuro transmitters and thus less stimulates the nervous system. Moreover, Levetiracetam also has an influence on the calcium table in the nerve cells. Undesirable side effects can however be somnolence, fatigue and headaches.

More information



Position / Price

Position: 1069.00
Price: CHF 126.00
+ Processing fee: CHF 21.60
(per order and per day)



Execution time

1 day

Executing laboratory

labor team w ag