Material & Volume

Serum, 1ml

Reference values

All200-1000 1-1.5h after intake
>2000 toxic

Clinical information

Type of drug: Drug for treating ADHD
Metabolism: CYP2C19, CYP2D6, P-gp(ABCB1)
Half life t½: 2-5h
Steady State: 1day
TDM: useful
Additional Informations: Half life t½ in PM CYP2D6: 21h

Atomexetin is an effective ingredient of the ‘NARI’ group (selective noradrenalin re-uptake inhibitors) for the therapy of ‘ADHS’ and ‘ADS’. The agent selectively inhibits the ‘NET’ presynaptic noradrenalin transporter, thus enhancing the concentration of noradrenalin in the central nervous system. The resulting therapeutic effect is a significant improvement of the core syndrome in cases of ‘ADHS’ – attention deficit, impulsiveness and hyperactivity. The morst frequent side effects among children and juveniles are loss of appetite, nausea, abdominal discomfort, rise in blood pressure and solemnity.

More information



Position / Price

Position: 1579.00
Price: CHF 126.00
+ Processing fee: CHF 21.60
(per order and per day)



Execution time

1 day

Executing laboratory

labor team w ag