Material & Volume

EDTA Blood, 1ml

or oral mucosa (eSwab)

Reference values


Clinical information

HLA-B*27 is a specific human leukocyte antigen (HLA) gene variant that is associated with certain autoimmune diseases of inflammatory-rheumatoid appearance, particularly ankylosing spondylitis (AS, Morbus Bechterew) and various athritides like rheumatoide arthritis (RA) or juvenila idiopathic arthritis (JIA).
Besides the rheumatoid factor (RF), HLA-B*27is probably the best-known blood value in the context of rheumatism diagnostics.
The presence of HLA-B*27 is not a definitive diagnosis, but it is a predisposing genetic marker for the diagnosis of the above-mentioned diseases.


Ankylosing spondylitis
Morbus Bechterew
Rheumatism diagnostics
Human leukocyte antigens

Position / Price

Position: 1418.00
Price: CHF 121.50
+ Processing fee: CHF 21.60
(per order and per day)



Sample stability

Room temperature (20 to 25°C) = 28 days

Refrigerated (2 to 8°C) = 365 days

Frozen (-2 to -25°C) = 730 days

Execution time

2 days

Executing laboratory

labor team w ag